CSO or Sales Leader


Vice President with Sales TeamMost companies have already cut every expense that can be cut and the only remaining area where a CSO or Sales Leader can improve profitability is by significantly increasing revenue. How? By optimizing the sales force so that the entire team is generating more revenue, more consistently, and at greater margins. The first step toward that goal is to evaluate the sales force. A sales force evaluation answers the most pressing questions you have, including whether the existing people can execute your strategy, the impact of sales management, whether you have the right people in the right roles, whether you’ve been hiring the right people, which of your non-performers can become performers, how much better they can become, what it will take to get them there, why their results are the way they are, and much more. Learn more about the Sales Force Evaluation.

Following a sales force evaluation, you’ll want to develop a sales process or optimize the one you have, optimize your sales pipeline, and develop metrics that actually drive revenue.  You’ll also want your sales manager(s) developed so that they can have the desired impact on revenue by effectively coaching, motivating and developing their salespeople while holding them accountable to the agreed upon metrics. And when everything else is in place, you’ll want your salespeople to become more effective at overcoming resistance, developing opportunities and closing new business. Learn more about Training.

You’ll want to make sure that, from this point on, you hire only those salespeople who are extremely likely to succeed at your company, selling to decision makers in your marketplace, with your price points, and against your competition. Learn more about our Recruiting Solutions. And you’ll want to use our legendary Sales Candidate Assessments to aid in the selection process.

In most companies, developing sales managers requires more than training, so we complement the training with one-on-one coaching to make sure they can take what they learned in training and use it effectively to coach and develop their salespeople. Learn more about Coaching.


Sales Force Grader