The Biblical Sales Force Part 3 – Numbers: Metrics and KPIs
- November 23, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
In my experience, most companies have KPIs in their sales organizations but the real issue is usually whether or not the KPIs they trot out actually drive revenue. In most cases, they do not.
KPIs must be forward looking indicators, not lagging, or backwards looking results and most companies fail to make that key distinction. While last month’s revenue and gross profit numbers are an indicator of how the company performed (past tense), they do not indicate how the company WILL perform (forward looking).
New Competency Has 10 Attributes for Post 2024 Sales Success
- November 18, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Categories: Uncategorized, Understanding the Sales Force
The problem is not that prospects and customers expect you to lie, the problem is that they wonder if you are being truthful, especially when it sounds too good to be true or they believe you are telling them what they want to hear.
Thank God that Larry Levine wrote and published Selling in a Post Trust World earlier this year! That’s a book that will help you adapt to these changing times. Another book that will have you selling more and selling with integrity is my timeless book, Baseline Selling-How to Become a Sales Superstar.
In addition to the 21 Sales Core Competencies that are current best practices, I officially recommend the following ten, additional, post 2024 selling attributes:
Getting Salespeople to Prospect When They Aren’t Prospecting
- November 15, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
While some growth can be expected to come from effective account management, the kind of growth desired by most companies comes from consistently finding and closing new accounts. While companies love their inbound lead-generation programs, and those programs do generate leads, the quality of the leads, and the quality of the meetings booked by those young and inexperienced top-of-funnel kids, leaves much to be desired.
How I Learned I am a Sales Consulting Imposter
- November 11, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
I didn’t like this candidate. He was way too cocky and aggressive, he wasn’t prepared, and he didn’t like all of my questions. I ended the call after about a minute and a half because I already knew he wasn’t going to proceed in the process. I told him that if he didn’t hear back from me by the end of business on the following day, then he didn’t make it to the next round (an interview with me).
Considering the findings on his OMG assessment, imagine what could happen if he felt rejected from the way I ended the call, and when he didn’t get the follow up call the next day. Consider how his lack of patience, along with not being a relationship builder and not needing to be liked, could manifest.
Did you imagine what could happen?
3 Keys That Determine the Length of Your Sales Cycle
- November 2, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
It’s easier to sell value when there is urgency.
It’s easier to reach the decision maker when there is urgency.
It’s easier to sell value to the decision maker.
It’s easier to create urgency when you are talking with the decision maker.
They are inter-related milestones and they are game changers.
Let’s explore three scenarios:
Magazine Discredits Their “Born to Sell” Article with Junk Science
- October 25, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
They identified five areas where those with genetic traits outperform others. They claim that those are:
Tailor Your Approach
Conduct a Sales Debrief
Refine Your Skills Through Practice and Experimentation
Use Data Analytics to Inform Your Decision Making
Invest in Ongoing Training and MentorshipOther than number 2 (of course we’re singling out #2 in an article that’s full of crap!), the other four are not sales or marketing specific but are simply common-sense goals for anyone interested in self-improvement.
My Latest Sales Epiphany From Watching Playoff Baseball
- October 20, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Categories: Uncategorized, Understanding the Sales Force
And that’s when it hit me as if I was hit in the face by a 95 MPH fastball.
My fears are exclusive to the Red Sox and not to any other team – even if I am rooting for the other team! This is huge! And because this is my brain, this is actually about sales, not baseball!
Is it fair to believe that a Sales Leader wants his salesperson to succeed with a big, important sales opportunity as much as I would want the Red Sox relief pitcher to succeed in a big, important game?
If your answer is yes, we have a problem.
The Biblical Sales Force Part 2 – On Boarding and Coaching Salespeople
- October 14, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
As I wrote in September, I’m reading the Bible from beginning to end for the first time. In my first article using an analogy from the Bible, I wrote about scaling, hiring and firing salespeople, based on what I read in Genesis. Today’s article is about on boarding and coaching salespeople, and is an analogy from Exodus.
Early in Exodus, we are introduced to Moses, whose people have been slaves to Pharaoh and the Egyptians for hundreds of years. God appears to Moses and commands him to approach Pharaoh and persuade him to release the Israelites so they can freely worship their God. Moses lacks confidence in his ability to articulate the request, and questions God’s direction. He wonders if there might be someone better to handle this important assignment.
God had to build Moses’ confidence, and properly prepare him for the conversation he will have with Pharaoh. This is the equivalent to pre-call strategizing, one of several methods for coaching salespeople. God needed to provide Moses with talking points sufficient to give him gravitas with Pharaoh, so he provided Moses the God-like ability to turn his brother Aaron’s staff into a snake. We accomplish the same thing when we prepare a salesperson with powerful messaging and talking points.
7-Steps to Achieve Sales Team Excellence
- October 9, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Any company and/or executive can initiate a sales transformation, but there is one dealbreaker that can cause a sales transformation initiative to fail. But you have to see it through. You must be visible. You must lead by example. You must be engaged. You must show how important this is. You must show your commitment.
Cold Reach Outs: Do Email and LinkedIn Work?
- October 6, 2024
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Most marketing workflows and the messages created for those workflows absolutely suck! As a result, most of the cold messages that come through your email and LinkedIn messages are quickly and deliberately deleted. But there’s hope for something better.