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The Challenge of Developing Sales Engineers
- June 3, 2008
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
A large well-known technology company has a group of sales engineers that were recently evaluated. When we ran the analysis on the data, it was clear that most of the 60 sales engineers preferred to be on the engineering side and not the sales side. They lack the desire to be successful salespeople, they don’t enjoy selling, they aren’t money motivated and they aren’t committed. So before we can even worry about what they have or don’t have in the way of selling skills, these findings tell us that they can’t be developed, have no incentive to change and shouldn’t be in sales.
New Salespeople – Realistic Expectations
- March 6, 2008
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
You’ve seen new salespeople start out and inside of 60 days, build a pipeline to be proud of. You’ve had some that started and couldn’t seem to book appointments without your coaching. You’ve had some that were able to close some new business sooner than anyone expected. You’ve had some who couldn’t get started because they didn’t want to speak with a prospect until they knew they could carry off a perfect phone conversation. You’ve had some who never got started at all. Why all this variation?
Top 10 Articles for Growing Sales
- November 28, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
I thought it would be a good idea to point you to my top articles for growing sales. Some of you haven’t been reading this Blog since the beginning, and the best articles are not necessarily the most recent nor the most popular, so it’s pretty difficult to identify them from the 400 plus posts I’ve compiled in the last four years.
A Sales Management Candidate Shows His True Colors
- November 8, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
I only had to invest 45 seconds with a candidate that my client wouldn’t want working for him! Get the details!
Golf Nuts and Commitment to Sales Success
- October 10, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Based on my research data of more than 300,000 salespeople, it’s evident that no more than 6% of the sales population is so motivated as to get coached, attend seminars, watch videos, read books and practice every day.
Denial Over a Sales Force Evaluation
- October 3, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Sales Managers have a difficult time with the results of a sales force evaluation. While some handle it quite well, a significant percentage just can’t deal with the fact that some of their “superstars” are weak salespeople who have succeeded because they are good account managers and have been able to get some growth from the accounts they inherited.
Misleading Sales Numbers Part 2
- June 15, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Big numbers don’t impress me. How come the salesperson who always reports 40 dials, 10 conversations and 3 appointments never seems to have any meetings and never seems to be adding anything to the pipeline?
What Do Sales Managers Do with Their Time?
- May 12, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
If you’ve been reading my Blog for a while you’ve probably learned that sales managers should be spending about 85% of their time on Accountability, Coaching, Motivation, Growth and Recruiting. We mined some of our never ending data to see what sales managers actually spend their time on.
Myths About Top Performing Salespeople
- February 28, 2007
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Most companies have “them”. Most managers brag about “them”. Most of “them” toot their own horns. Most are their company’s role models. Most companies would love to have more like “them”. They masquerade as the top salespeople in their companies, a claim supported by data, spreadsheets, commission statements, awards and accolades. But who are they really?
10 Reasons for HR and Sales Management to Hire Winning Salespeople Using Assessments
- December 15, 2006
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
There are two variables that have a huge impact on your success using an assessment in the hiring process. The first is which assessment you use. The second is where in the process you use it.