Closing Sales
Closing Sales, Process, Hauntings, Training & More
- March 23, 2015
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Today I will explore the least-read articles I have ever written. That’s right. The least read. It’s very fashionable – and a best practice – to continue promoting the most-read, most-liked, most-favorited, most-shared, most-tweeted and most-commented articles; but I don’t think anyone has gathered up their worst work and said, “Look at this!” It’s actually not my worst writing.
Key Sales Strategies for December
- December 1, 2014
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
So let’s discuss December sales strategies. What can you do to assure that December (a short month with only 17 business days) as well as the 4th quarter and the year finish – all have a strong finish?
You won’t like my answer at all, but it’s the truth.
Why Prospects Don’t Buy From You Today!
- October 29, 2014
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Engagement. There is a huge connection between what I experienced with the World Series, and what prospects experience with salespeople. If you can understand and apply this analogy it will make a huge difference in the quality of your calls and meetings. Here are the four most important things for you to know.
My Top 21 Keys to Help Your Sales Force Dominate Today
- July 8, 2014
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Do you have salespeople who are busy, but struggling to succeed? Do you have salespeople who are putting in long hours, but don’t generate enough business in relation to the time invested? Do you have salespeople who find enough opportunities, but struggle to get them closed? In my experience, there isn’t a correlation between busy and successful. Oh sure, successful salespeople may be busy and busy salespeople might be successful, but one being true does not necessarily mean that the other is true as well.
Top 4 Reasons Salespeople Struggle to Reach Decision Makers
- October 30, 2013
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
So here we are again, with half of the salespeople reporting that they aren’t reaching decision makers. And why would a decision maker want to be reached if the salespeople are focused only on presentations? And companies wonder why their sales cycles are so long, their closing percentages are so low and their margins are slip sliding away…
Also noteworthy were these findings from the survey results:
The Biggest Mistake That Salespeople Make at Year End
- November 30, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Your actions can not be dictated by the time of year. Your actions must be dictated by where you are in the sales process and the step or stage that must occur next.
Top 10 Reasons Consultative Sellers Outsell Everyone Else
- October 1, 2010
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Have you ever worked with salespeople that were so bad you thought, “She couldn’t close a door!”? And have you ever worked with salespeople that were so good that you thought, “She could sell white to rice!”?
There’s a good chance that the difference has less to do with their closing skills and much more to do with their ability to build a late stage relationship in the earliest stage of the sales process – the first meeting.
So what do they do? Here are the top ten things they do:
Which Salespeople Use Bad Judgment and Burn Bridges?
- June 30, 2010
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
You want your salespeople to get decisions instead of taking stalls, put-offs and objections. Some of your salespeople are better at this than others. I’ve written extensively about the difference between the required skills versus the strengths that support closing, as well as recognizing and dealing with put-offs. Today, I will discuss the difference between not getting the desired reaction or behavior, not getting a decision and burning a bridge.
Game Seven – There is No Tomorrow with This Sales Opportunity
- June 18, 2010
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Don’t turn opportunities where there IS a tomorrow into a desperate, “How much of a price concession do we have to make?”, last ditch effort to close it today scenario, but do turn a customer/prospect-initiated deadline into a Game 7 scenario where you do whatever it takes to earn that business!
Sales Tips for Trade Shows and Major Accounts
- May 25, 2010
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
The exhibitor and visitor attendance is more good news relative to confidence, spending and outlook in the business sector. The bad news is that the exhibitors were clueless as to how to get people to stop at their booths and engage.