Dave Kurlan
Why Corporate Sales Training Often Fails to Achieve Desired Results
- May 8, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Why do you train salespeople and sales managers?
Some companies want to educate them and improve their skills. Some feel obligated to provide training while others provide training to improve results. Some do it to help their salespeople, improve morale and feel good about making it available. These are all very noble concepts, but usually achieve disappointing outcomes.
Train your salespeople to change your salespeople. Until THEY change, their beliefs, behaviors, strategies and tactics won’t change. And there’s the problem.
How Many Salespeople Shouldn’t be in Sales?
- May 8, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Our certified sales development expert in Singapore, Ray Bigger, of Think8, asked if we had data on what percentage of salespeople should be considered for a different role. Of course we do, Ray!
What Should You Tell Your Salespeople in this Economy?
- May 6, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
From time to time I have written about what you must do with your salespeople in this economy. Would you like to hear what that actually sounds like?
Dell Resorts to Questionable Sales Tactics to Drive Revenue
- May 5, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Today, I received an email from Dell showcasing their latest ill conceived scheme to generate revenue.
Differentiating a Pricing Strategy from a Sales Strategy
- May 1, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Do you subscribe to Verne’s Insights – 10 Minutes with the Growth Guy – Verne Harnish? You should. It’s the best newsletter I get – one I actually read each week! In today’s issue Verne wrote that his favorite quote from last week’s Sales & Marketing Summit was Mark Burton’s, “Discounting is the crack cocaine for business today”. He also shared that “instead, Burton says companies can use a ‘good, better, best’ strategy to provide various pricing levels without simply giving away margin.”
Wait a minute!!!
Sales Force Alignment with Market Strategies
- April 28, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Most companies differentiate between inside and outside sales; domestic and international sales; products and services; equipment and consumables, etc.
But if you are into breaking down processes, approaches, market strategies and positioning, there is more to it than these obvious differentiators.
What is Causing Your Salespeople to Fail in this Economy?
- April 23, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Do you have a salesperson like Bob?
Bob was very anxious over what to write to a suspect that blew him off. The prospect canceled an appointment and was vague about whether or not he would reschedule. This stopped Bob in his tracks and he literally spent an entire day getting feedback on what his email should say. Not only is Bob wasting time, it is time that could be spent finding and identifying additional opportunities, moving existing opportunities along and connecting with customers or clients and collecting referrals. So what causes Bob to do this and could we have predicted this behavior?
Cultural Differences with a Sales Force Evaluation
- April 21, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
I was in New Orleans speaking at the Gazelles Coaches Summit, a prelude to the Fortune Magazine Sales Summit. I was asked a question about cultural differences with the Sales Force Evaluation: Is the lack of Money Motivation on an entire sales force in Ireland a cultural difference? My questioner went on to say that the good people of Ireland, when asked if they would like a cup of tea, need to be asked three times before they’ll say yes – even though they really want that cup of tea.
The Money Motivation issue has only three possible outcomes:
Why is Selling So Difficult – Let Me Count the Ways
- April 20, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Wouldn’t it be nice if selling was as easy as most salespeople treat it? You would just come right out and say what you’re selling, tell prospects why it’s important, explain the features and benefits, tell them what it costs, and make the sale. After all, that’s how we did it in the 60’s and 70’s. It’s so easy. It’s so logical, it’s so ineffective. Why is selling so difficult? I have a number of answers….
Top 14 Requirements to Perform a Sales Force Makeover
- April 16, 2009
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
For kicks, let’s take a look at this week’s Baseline Selling mail bag.
One reader emailed that he just inherited a radio station in Honduras, has never sold before, and he and his salespeople aren’t able to book appointments.
Another reader is the Sales Director for several well-known magazines and said that her top producing team is down 50% from last year.
Yet another reader wrote and wanted to know how to chop her 2-3 year sales cycle down to 2-3 months.
And one President fired all of his salespeople, is back on the road selling and wonders what he can do to thrive.
What do all four of these scenarios have in common?