sales conversation
Top Five Benefits of Sales Process and Methodology
- January 6, 2025
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Sales Process is a framework for consistent, predictable, repeatable results and the framework is best deployed as a staged, milestone-centric, buyer-focused sequence of events. Listen to this five-second clip from a very popular holiday song to hear the foundation of sales process come to life.
3 Tweaks to Your Sales Approach Are Steps Toward Sales Greatness
- March 19, 2018
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Consider how frustrating it is to approach a traffic circle, or as we call them in Massachusetts, a rotary, during rush hour. You very slowly make your way towards the circle in a long line of traffic, attempt to merge into a congested circle, travel around to the other side of the circle, and finally exit the other end. Being a bit impatient, I’m usually screaming to myself, “Come on – don’t stop! – let’s get moving – let’s go!”
Hold that thought.
I believe that role-playing is the single most important thing I can do with salespeople to help them to become great. There are three kinds of role-plays:
I play the salesperson’s part and the salesperson plays the prospect. This is my preferred method as it demonstrates exactly what the conversation should sound like.
I play the prospect and the salesperson plays the salesperson. This approach works best when conducting pre-call strategy and usually serves to show me how ill-equipped the salesperson is to have the desired conversation.
The salesperson plays the salesperson and another salesperson plays the prospect. This type of role-play occurs later in training when the salesperson has the foundational skills to execute the sales process correctly and to play the sales part with some confidence.When I finally reach scenario 3 with salespeople playing their own part, it seems a lot like approaching the traffic circle. Let me explain.
Should a Salesperson be Punished after a Huge Sale?
- May 4, 2015
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
My wife and I watched with a combination of fascination, sadness and shock as the coach of our son’s 12 and under AAU baseball team made them run suicides after the double header they won on Saturday, and again after the double header they won on Sunday. Why would he punish them after winning four games this weekend? And how does this apply to sales? You’ll be amazed by what you read.
Why Doesn’t Sales Methodology Get More Attention?
- January 14, 2014
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
This brings me to my original question, “Why doesn’t sales methodology get more attention from authors, writers and bloggers, and why does sales process get most of the coverage?”