sales process
Top 16 Problems with CRM
- October 23, 2012
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Today, I’ll write about solving the CRM problem. CRM is very problematic, not because there aren’t choices, but more because companies make bad decisions. Just a few of the problems with CRM are listed here:
How Selling is Just Like Driving a Car
- June 5, 2012
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
If you can make the adjustments when you are driving, then you should be able to make similar adjustments when you are selling. Those adjustments, in no particular order, include being sure that:
You Can Help Salespeople Burdened with Sales Weaknesses
- January 23, 2012
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Sadly, most sales training and sales trainers are unable to help salespeople overcome these weaknesses because their focus is primarily the sales skills and methodology that they teach. That puts tremendous pressure on sales managers who are simply not equipped to help salespeople overcome things like:
Must Read – Accenture / CSO Insights Sales Optimization Study
- December 2, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
In their latest study (thanks to Charlie for sending it to me) – Accenture reported on the 2000 companies worldwide that CSO Insights surveyed. I identified some very interesting findings and if there was a big surprise it was that nothing surprised me! In fact, it supports everything I’ve written about here for the past 5 years. Consider the following:
The Biggest Mistake That Salespeople Make at Year End
- November 30, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Your actions can not be dictated by the time of year. Your actions must be dictated by where you are in the sales process and the step or stage that must occur next.
Embarassed by This Sales Article in The Economist?
- October 31, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
On October 22, The Economist published an article called, The Art of Selling – The Death of the Salesman Has been Greatly Exaggerated. Is the Economist really that far out of touch? I wrote the last of my 5-part Death of Selling Has Been Exaggerated articles 5 years ago! And how long has it been since anyone referred to salespeople at “salesmen”?
The Advantage that Focused Salespeople Have
- October 17, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Show me a focused salesperson – one who isn’t aware of what else is taking place in the office this very moment because he is so focused on getting his sales work completed; one who won’t stop to take a break until she makes all of the required calls; one who won’t go to sleep at night until all of the appropriate follow ups, responses, CRM updates, paperwork and details have been finished – and I’ll show you a good salesperson.
Effective Sales Models
- September 15, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
I wrote this article about the difference between sales process and sales methodology. In addition to those two sales infrastructure components, companies should have a sales model. How is the model different from the other two key components of an effective sales organization?
Top 10 Sales Disasters, 10 Steps to Recovery and Hurricane Irene
- September 7, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Hurricane Irene left a large path of destruction along much of the eastern United States. What routinely took an hour to maintain could now take up to a week or more to get the same result. You can’t rush, you need to be extremely careful, you might have to get help and the work may be much more labor intensive and difficult.
What about a sales disaster? First, what are the sales disasters?
Busy Salespeople are Lazy Salespeople
- August 8, 2011
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force
Things aren’t always what they seem with your salespeople. Sometimes, the busier they are, the less they are doing! I had several conversations in the past week that explain my opening comment.