- June 13, 2016
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force

In my last article, we discussed big data and big lies in the sales assessment space and touched on OMG’s 230,000,000 data points. Most of the data points are very consistent across cultures and continents, but there is one that varies wildly depending on the role, the country, and the culture.
One of the many OMG findings is “Enjoys Selling.” Recently, we performed an analysis of those salespeople who had Strong Desire and Strong Commitment toward sales success, but who did not Enjoy Selling and were not Motivated. It is a very rare combination – we see it in only 1 in 400 salespeople – except in countries, cultures and companies where the emphasis is on hiring entry-level salespeople. Then, the rate of occurrence can be as high as 1 in 200. Still rare, but twice as likely to occur. To put this in context, fewer than 5% of salespeople don’t enjoy selling, and fewer than 5% aren’t motivated. But only 1 in 400 have both of these as weaknesses, yet still have both strong Desire and Commitment. Who are these salespeople? How can they be committed and have strong desire, but not enjoy it or be motivated? Intrigued?
I don’t have a scientific answer for this question, but I do have some possibilities.
Some feel obligated to sell. They are in a family business and they are part of the family. They feel obligated to a parent, grandparent, spouse, uncle, aunt or in-law.
Some are selling for the first time and they want to succeed – at whatever they do. They are pushing through – not because they enjoy selling and feel motivated to sell – because they have a need to get their careers off to a good start.
Some are aging career salespeople and need to succeed because they are nearing retirement. They no longer enjoy selling and no longer feel motivated to sell, but they are pushing through out of necessity.
So if this anomaly represents such a small percentage of salespeople, why did I bother to write about it?
Because you might have one of these people working for or applying for a job one day and you should understand the hidden factors that will have an affect on their results.
According to recent Gallop research, there is a 20% improvement in sales when companies select the right salespeople. OMG can help you select the right salespeople with the most accurate and predictive sales candidate assessment and the one that has been named the Top Sales Candidate Assessment for 5 consecutive years.
The Tenfold Blog quoted 20 Business and Sales Leaders on what they believe is the #1 Trait of Superstar Salespeople. It’s very difficult to narrow selling down to 1 trait, but 20 of us did exactly that and you can see what we all had to say. As a reader of this blog, I don’t believe that you will be able to agree with half of the 20 quotes! Compare that with this article on the 10 Differences Between Sales Winners and Losers.
Finally, the list of the Top Sales Books for Summer Reading was released and you can get that here. Yes, my best-seller, Baseline Selling is on the list again. When I wrote this article on Sunday evening, it was sitting at #13 on the list of best-selling sales books on Amazon.com despite being published 11 years ago!