- May 1, 2017
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force

It didn’t take very long for this to happen. When Objective Management Group (OMG) announced that it was making its findings data available to the public, we knew that it wouldn’t take long for someone with a flair for analytics to dig in and come up with something cool. Last week, John Cousineau, creator of Amacus, got me on a video conference and shared what he came up with. Hint: Another way to differentiate top performers.
He analyzed the average scores of OMG’s 21 Sales Core Competencies for the top 10% of salespeople and identified 5 that account for 36% of the gap between top and bottom performers. The first image below shows the 36% gap in the 5 Competencies. Each point represents a competency, the darker gray shows the average scores for the top 10% and the lighter gray has the scores for the bottom 10%. The 5 competencies with the largest gaps are shown in blue for the bottom performers and brown represents the gaps between the two groups.
The next graphic below shows the 5 competencies John identified.
Translating just a bit, he says that the biggest gap in average scores between top performers and bottom performers – 36% – occurs in the sales core competencies where salespeople:
- are comfortable discussing money
- take responsibility for their results and don’t make excuses or rationalize
- thoroughly qualify their opportunities
- are able to sell value instead of price
- are effective hunting for new business
We must also consider that there are approximately 10 attributes in each core competency and while the gaps certainly exist in those 5 competencies, are there specific skills where the gaps between top and bottom performers are even larger?
The following table shows the biggest gaps between top and bottom performers but instead of showing them by score, they are presented based on the percentage of salespeople who have the findings as strengths. Can you find anything in common between this table and the 5 competencies above?
Hunting, Qualifying, Comfortable Talking about Money and Taking Responsibility appear on both lists, but instead of value selling, we see consultative selling.
Did you notice the other gaps on this list? Desire and Commitment are the two most important Sales Core Competencies of all. They also represent 2 of the 5 competencies in Will to Sell. All 6 Sales DNA Core Competencies appear on the list as well. In addition to Comfortable Talking about Money, the list includes Not Needing to be Liked (Approval), Controlling Emotions, Rejection Proof, Supportive Buying Behaviors and Supportive Sales Beliefs.
OMG’s data, based on the assessment of more than 1,100,000 salespeople from more than 11,000 companies definitively shows that there is an elite group of 7% – the best salespeople in the world. These great salespeople are followed by another 16% that are strong. And then there is the bottom 77%, who all suck.
You can access OMG’s findings and compare them to your salespeople and other salespeople in your industry by visiting this page.
When you compare your salespeople to the rest of the sales population it looks like this example where the reader’s sales force is worse than the bottom 10% at Taking Responsibility.
You can also make sure you never make another sales hiring mistake by checking out OMG’s accurate and predictive sales specific candidate assessments.