- June 6, 2017
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force

It’s June 6 in Westboro, Massachusetts, USA, and the temperature is 49 degrees Farenheight or 9 degrees Celsius. It’s pouring rain and with the exception of 3 nice days in the middle of May, when the temperature was in the 80’s, it’s been like early April since, well, early April! The weather sucks. And in case you aren’t familiar with what the weather should be like at this time of year, it should be 80 degrees (27 degrees Celsius) and sunny.
You may be more familiar when the rant sounds like: “It’s almost the end of the quarter, we’re only at 65% of forecast, the pipeline is half empty, and nothing is closing. With the exception of 3 nice deals that came in during May, our salespeople have sucked.”
While the crappy weather and your crappy 2nd quarter revenue have crappy in common, there is one huge difference that can help you hit your sales forecast even when the weather forecast is for rain.
As long as you know the monthly sales goal, closing percentage, average order size, and length of the sales cycle, I will guarantee that you will meet or exceed the sales goal. Let’s pretend:
- The monthly goal is $100,000
- The closing percentage is 20%
- The average sale or account is $25,000
- The sales cycle is 6 months.
If you do the math and nothing else but the math, then as long as 20 new opportunities, worth a total of $500,000, enter the pipeline each month, beginning 6 months ahead of the first monthly goal you intend to meet or exceed, you will never miss another sales goal ever again.
Let’s walk through the Algebra. If you close 1 of 5 then 5/1 x $100,000 is $500,000. But you can’t just have one or two big opportunities worth $500,000 in the pipeline because you close only 1 of 5. Remember, your average sale is $25,000 so you’ll need close 100,000/25,000 or 4 and at 20% that’s 4 x 5 for 20 opportunities. Finally, with your 6 month sales cycle, what you add to the pipeline in June represents December revenue, not June, so beginning this month you’re working on next year’s revenue.
As long as you manage what you can control – the new opportunities that enter the pipeline – then you will never miss another number again.
Back to the weather. Consider my rule of puppies, which says that the harder it is raining, the more often the puppy will want to go outside and make sure that I get wet. And don’t forget the rule of spring baseball, which states that the more games our son is scheduled to play during April, May and June, the colder and wetter the weather will be.
Image Copyright Mark_KA