- September 7, 2022
- Posted by: Dave Kurlan
- Category: Understanding the Sales Force

Yesterday, although I wasn’t looking for it, I found my laptop charger that I misplaced a few weeks ago. Today, I found a shirt I wasn’t looking for. It was purchased in May, but I had forgotten about it. Later today, a post appeared in my LinkedIn feed and although I wasn’t looking for an article by a physician, I read it and am so glad I did.
Would you like to know what I loved about that article? I’ll share, but first, consider that…
…Salespeople have a bad reputation.
Half of all salespeople are incredibly ineffective and provide very little value to their prospects and as such, they deserve the bad reputation they have. Not because they are dishonest, sleazy or greedy – most of them aren’t – but because they add no value.
On the other side of the coin, the top 30% of salespeople generally do add value and their prospects appreciate them, favor them and buy from them.
The LinkedIn post pays tribute to medical device salespeople. They may not be in the top 30%, they may not be adding tremendous value, but this physician, speaking on behalf of most physicians, tells us just how valuable they are to the surgeons who perform in the operating room, and points out how unfairly these salespeople are being treated.
Hooray for Dr. Scott Sigman MD.
Hooray for his bravery. We heard from a small number of brave doctors during Covid who were brave enough to push back and tell us the truth about the virus how to treat it, the vaccines and the real dangers, and how masks and lockdowns didn’t stop the virus. Dr. Sigman has gone out on a limb and rallied to the defense of salespeople.
Whether or not you are in sales or sales leadership, you probably work in a company whose revenue is generated by salespeople. That means your salary is made possible by the efforts of salespeople. You must read the short LinkedIn post and then come to your own conclusion.
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